Printing multiple layouts with their individual page setting

Hi there,

I have an issue when I want to print multiple layouts.
The print dialogue will assign 1 page setting to the whole set of layouts I want to print.
So far I did not find an answer in the forum yet.
Is it possible to print all layouts of a file with their individually set page settings or is that not possible.
My other idea is to solve it with a script, but basically it would be very interesting to understand that more detailled.


It is not currently possible.
I’m pretty sure it’s on the Wish list.
I’ll see if I can find it.

Found it:

To anyone getting to this answer and missing to click the link. It is possible to print multiple layouts with different paper sizes in Rhino. Instead of using the print command, this has to be done using save as… and selecting pdf as the file type. After selecting the file destination, in the ensuing print menu, if Multiple Layouts or All Layouts option is selected the PDF file will be have the correct layout options for each page.

That said, this highly unintuitive. It would make much more sense to provide the option to override or not the layout settings in the Print menu.

Hi Filipe -

I agree. Note, however, that RH-30155 has not been closed - the plan is still to make this better.

publishing of layout sheets in general needs much improvement and has been discussed in depth for many years on the forum :unamused: