I’m using the trial of Rhino 8 and I am trying to print a sample file to scale on an A4 sheet. When I print, it doesn’t come out to scale on the sheet.
I have Rhino PDF selected, and when I select the scale I need, the preview window shows me a hugely incorrect scale. 1:100 which I’m aiming for is almost invisible.
What have I missed?
I’m just checking that I can make a clean swap from autocad and sketchup and this scaling from layout issue has me pretty upset.
Can you send the file that shows the issue?
FIRST REAL RUN.3dm (541.1 KB)
I don’t see that here, all looks fine with that file
Since your layout has a detail that is scale 1:100, when you print, the scale should be set 1:1. Is that what you are doing? If so, send me a screenshot of your print preview and settings. The attached is the resulting pdf.
A4.pdf (104.3 KB)
that looks fine to me, so this is generating wrong output in pdf? Can you send the resulting pdf you are getting?
Okay. I feel like an idiot. I worked out what was tripping me up. It was simply the change from fit to actual size in print settings. My apologies and thanks for your help.
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