Can someone take a look at my files here and see if you find any reason I’m unable to print my layouts? I’m very grateful for this new feature for macs but so far i’ve been unsuccessful in printing them. Not just this file but even just simple drawings of a single curve.
Regular prints from the model space work fine.
If nothing looks amiss and you’re able to print… i’d be forever grateful if you could print to PDF and send it my way so that I can meet a deadline today and buy some time to sort out this printing problem.
That one didn’t do a good job of printing the bitmaps. This one was printed with the Microsoft Print to PDF PDF printer. Whatever does the job… (It printed it much faster as well). AbEx - Working Model- MS PDF.pdf (3.2 MB)
Hi Brandon - what happens if you print to pdf? Anything at all? You need to choose, in the lower left of the Print dialog, Pdf > Save as PDF…
(So far it works here - what layout are you printing when it blows?)
Printing to PDF also crashes Rhino every single time. I have tried many combinations of settings. Like I said, even a fresh new model with just a single line object will crash if I try to print it from a layout.
I’m also having trouble with layouts disappearing on me. I’ll come back the next day to find that some of my layout pages are blank or 2 out of 3 details are missing from the page. Not all pages, but 4 out of 8 have missing details. The detail element is completely gone from the page (not me moving things in model space away from the detail’s target).
Going to try a fresh install of Rhino when I get into the office tomorrow.
Yes, I have tried all manner of print options. Printing to paper or saving to PDF have the exact same results. Vector/Raster, different sizes of paper, display color, print color, B&W. 1 page, 7 pages. Blank pages. When I hit print or save from the print dialog… Rhino disappears.
At this point i’ve already spent 2.5 days recreating layouts for my current project in Illustrator but i’d really love to be able to sort this out for the future.
Unfortunately, I’m not able to reproduce your issue either. I am able to Save to PDF and print just fine with the files you provided.
Thanks for your system information. (It does look like you have quite a few non-Apple extensions loaded, but going through all of them is a little like drinking from a firehose). Can you do me a favor, please? Navigate to Rhinoceros > About Rhinoceros > More Info… > Copy to clipboard. Then please paste that information in a reply here. It just distills things a little easier for us when looking for patterns.
Thank you for looking into it. I think our IT company (and probably leftovers from the old one) are the reason for the non-Apple extensions. Do any of them look like something I should look into about possible issues? are they possibly from Microsoft Office?
Here is the system info.
Software information
Software versions
Rhinoceros version: 5.2.1 (5C254)
IronPython version: 5.1.2015.131
Language: en (MacOS default)
OS X version: Version 10.11.6 (Build 15G31)
I doubt that those VirtualBox third-party kernel extensions are the culprit, but it might be good to rule-them-out. You can boot to safe-mode (hold shift when booting your Mac - you can release it after the Apple logo appears). Try printing then and see what happens.
This one looks far more likely to be causing problems, however. Can you disable this printer and its driver? It looks like you’re trying to print from a Xerox printer anyway (not a toshiba one).