When I try to print to Rhino PDF, rhino 6 crashes. I’ve tried it with the same settings but using CutePDF instead and that works fine, as does saving as an image. The error message I get says my graphics card is out of memory, but…CutePDF works. I’ve only tried this with one model so far.
Does it work if you set the DPI value to 150? I believe this has to do with the size of the print, but it’s always hard to say how big it is (in pixels) when doing prints.
I’m afraid that the image is too demanding to print when skylight shadows are enabled. The final image dimensions for that paper size is 14400 x 10800. The only advice I can give you is to either print a smaller image, or to disable the skylight in the Rendering settings. The skylight is always enabled in Arctic mode, so you’d have to use Rendered mode instead.