Preview of Mesh results

I have to mesh quite a few intricate surfaces and need to make sure the meshes are not too fine. Obviously I started with the Mesh command in Rhino.

The first thing I noticed is that the Preview functionality WOULD BE pretty handy, if it wasn’t for the fact that the original surface is still selected and you simply can’t see anything of the Mesh result underneath.

Then you click preview and you get:

That doesn’t really help. Shouldn’t pressing preview hide the original surface temporarily so you can actually see the mesh?

Also it doesn’t show you any of the important details like vertice count.

So in the end its just a constant mesh → check details → undo mesh → mesh again… etc.

Is that really the usual workflow to create meshes in Rhino?


edit: noticed the vertices and polygon count is shown in the command line. That works fine.

It’s probably an old command…

I don’t have to mesh a lot of objects but everytime I had to it felt exactly as you described above.

Maybe the command could be refreshed with options like in the QuadRemesh command: Upon checking the Preview box the option to Hide Input Objects is enabled and can be checked…

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Yes! Exactly. Seems like someone looked at the Mesh options for the new Quad Remesh and thought “we can do a little bit better”. Of couse going back to the original Mesh command and including the same insights would have been the right thing.

McNeel is a bit like a cat. You can get its attention with a shiny new toy, but usually it is quickly forgotten. It seems like new functionality gets prioritized higher than fixing bugs, customer requests or improving user experience.


Yeah, I’ve moaned about this in the past as well - - ages ago; I’ll see if we can do something different in V8 - not sure what is possible.

RH-21594 Mesh: preview
