Possible bug: R8 (windows) freezing when opening .3dm file created on mac

When trying to open a file sent by a consultant, Rhino freezes after displaying “Successfully read file” and displays a black viewport. After several minutes the viewport will load and Rhino will run normally. The .3dm was created on a mac and opened on windows. Manually changing the file extension to .3dmbak solves the issue; the .3dmbak file loads normally. Not sure if it matters, but the file is being read from a remote desktop.

Hi Colin - does the bak file open with all wireframe viewports?


No it opened in render view

Hi Colin - can you send us this file? tech@mcneel.com, with a link back to this topic in your comments.


Sorry, unfortunately I can’t share that particular file. I would have included it in the original post otherwise. Let me know if I can get you any other helpful info.