Point editor alert / EdgeContinuity

I like the idea, but the execution wont offer a good workflow.
It needs to be two seperate tools, not just one, with all options crammed into it.

The Edge Continuity Tool is used to precisely analyse edge pairs while manipulating surface CVs to modify a match.

For example building a feature line with the kink opening up from 1° to 8°. You would do this with a tangent analysis. You need to be able to read the Min and Max points of the kink to make sure it opens up evenly, with constant growth.

You can also modify an existing match to meet certain criterias on one or several edges of the same patch, with “numerical” precision.

Or you can precisely analyse a matching or filleting situation, to help you determine patch seperation and layout.

This not a tool to show you a “good” or a “bad” match, it just analyses continuity.

The Edge analysis tool is used differently. If you have a topology consisting of lets say 36 surfaces, you wouldnt want to select each edge pair. You select all 36 surfaces and run the edge analysis tool to see if the topology meets the given tolerances, and to see where the flaws are.

This tool could be used on two single surface also, to fine tune the match as an added bonus, but the Edge Continuity Tools shows actual values instead of just giving visual feed back.

This tool would also replace the naked edge analysis.

It works this way:

Surface edge pairs (of a topology) that are within the G2 tolerance light up green.
If the edge pair is below G2 tolerances but within G1 tolerances it lights up yellow.
Below G1 tolerance but within G0 it lights up red.
Below G0 tolerance but within N it lights up pink meaning you have a gap.
Below N tolerance “Edge Pairs” are not related to each other.

This is how such a toolset should be designed and used to guarantee a proper workflow and full control over surface quality.

Of course both tools could be running at the same time if the user sees fit in that, but generally speaking they are two differnet tools that might compliment each other.

I made a little mock up:

Edge Continuity:

Edge Analysis: