I’m recently tried to add rhino commands to my already existant and working plugin that thus far only contained Grasshopper components. I am only a starter in that field.
I got stuck at testing if Rhino would load my freshly created RhinoCommand template.
After reading through the diverse forums, I saw a couple options:
- Adding the .rhp path in the Registry Editor. (already quite cryptic for me)
- Richt click on the project in VS and select “set as startup project”
- Add Copy “(TargetPath)" "(TargetDir)(ProjectName).rhp" erase "(TargetPath)” in the build events.
None of these made the commands show when loading rhino 8 from VS.
The gh components in this loaded instance would still be visible though, (I image it does since it is registered in the GrasshopperDevelopperSetting)
Beside the things I don’t even see/know/understand:
- I don’t see any .rhp file being created in the bin folder when VS is loading a Rhino instance.
- I don’t understand how to tell Rhino to look at the .rhp or .dll and load the Command that it contains
- I don’t see the name of my plugin in options>Plugins of the loaded Rhino, to install it.
I have tried to read as much as possible but every solution seams to be skip a step in instructions.
I tried creating another project with a single Rhino command and it seems to work fine…Can we even have the same VS project as a Grasshopper and Rhino plugin?
I hope this discharge make sense, I guess i’ll have to share some more extra information at some point.
Thank you in advance for the help,