Please allow to say "no" to saving textures to the Rhino file


in 99% of my savings I don’t need textures in the Rhino file and I’m glad to save disk space. If I need the textures than I know where to enable it. So, why not say “No” here?



Also seen at 8.3.23344.14001 - “save texture” can’t be disabled for all further saves at this place.

Screen Shot 12-11-23 at 10.34 AM

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The issue has been logged here.

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Hi Micha -

I don’t know the details of what was changed in this area, but I would assume that the advanced option still works.

Renderer Development Kit.Settings.RendererSupport.NeverEmbedFiles



Hi @Micha and @Wim,

We were having problems with the opposite situation; people wondering why their textures were not being saved, so we made the Save textures check box always be on unless deliberately unchecked on each save.

But for those who never, ever want to save textures, there is the advanced option that Wim mentioned. If you check that, you will never see any of the other messages and the Save textures check box will also disappear. You just have to remember that you disabled it if you ever do want to save textures again.


Users are surprised that something they don’t set correctly doesn’t work and others have to suffer for it? Not a nice idea. The options were good, the workflow clear and simple.

I don’t want the “save texture” option to disappear when saving, because when I send data to project partners, which happens from time to time, I want to be able to switch this on easily. I find it unfair to hide this option permanently. I don’t think it’s nice that the workflow is broken. For a conscious user, everything was fine.

I don’t understand what the problem was, because “save textures” was activated by default and that alone was annoying. It wasn’t like that in the past. But ok, that should be enough for inattentive users.

I suspect that there were other reasons why textures were missing. I know that I had activated the option and still not all textures were saved. I suspect that users thought the option was not properly activated.

Please do not penalize your skilled users and destroy the well-tuned workflow. As it was in Rhino7, it was a good compromise.


I agree with Micha, the old setup was much better, the new configuration is much more cumbersome and confusing to use. Hope you can consider reverting this back.




Well, I’m one of the ones who lobbied for having Rhino save textures by default. As I’m someone who doesn’t do rendering, that might seem surprising. Let me explain why…

I use a lot of Picture objects. I use them for referencing, scaling, modeling from real objects etc. If I open a file myself or hand it out to a student or a colleague, I expect those images to always be there. If they are not, the file is for all intents and purposes useless.

In the current state of things, the image on a Picture object is treated as a texture - referenced in the materials table, like all the other textures. I don’t know how how many times I or my students have opened files only to find blank white surfaces where the images were supposed to be, because I forgot to check “Save textures” when saving the file and either the file or the images have been moved so the reference paths for finding the images are no longer valid.

I fully understand that for the render guys working on their own computers with stable reference paths to the textures, it makes no sense to store them in the file - especially with large sized and/or large amounts of textures.

I have lobbied in the past for the images on Picture objects to be separated from the rest of the textures - to no avail. I don’t think that will change anytime soon. So, barring that, some kind of sticky switch that either automatically saves textures or not - that can be overridden when necessary. I’m not sure this should be hidden behind an advanced option.

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I would say: learn it. It’s your option. Use it. It’s enabled per default. I don’t know why yours is disabled. I would like to get back my Rhino like it was.

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I don’t have to do this anymore - now it is checked by default. I was describing past experiences before it was turned on by default.

Fine, I’m glad - so we can reverting back.

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Again, I haven’t gotten into all the details of all of this, but we have been wondering why we saw very many reports of missing images when users open files or we get files from users.

Are you certain that you forgot to check that option when saving? With the current change, I suppose, if we are still seeing a lot of this, then something else is going on.

:point_up_2: reports like this.

For the time being, there’s the advanced option for those that want that, and we’ll see where this goes.

So I need to go to the advanced option if I need textures saved? And after this one time save with textures I need to go back to the advanced options to disable the texture saving again?

It looks that way, yes.
EDIT: Or, as John mentioned:

we made the Save textures check box always be on unless deliberately unchecked on each save.

In the past - yes. It was exclusively for that reason that my Picture images were not saved in the file. If I remembered to check the box when saving then it was always OK.

This was also a problem because that checkbox is only shown when you SaveAs - i.e. when you first name the file. On future saves you just hit the Save button and it’s easy to not even think about whether the box got checked the first time or not. If you are working on your own computer, you don’t see that the images are not saved. But, if you send the file to someone else without thinking, if you forgot to check the box, then the images are gone.

Most of the time it’s not irreparable, if the files are still there on your computer, you just have to hit SaveAs and check the box and resend. But it’s still a PITA.

This is very frustrating, everything was good in Rhino 7. I can’t believe it. It was so easy and now I’m being sent around.

Well I think a “sticky” option would be the best. It seems it was that way in V7, at a certain point after discussions it was made sticky, I can’t remember if it was from the beginning or some time in the middle of the cycle. In any case, in my V7 here it is checked. I did not realize anything had been changed in that regard for V8.

Wait, I am just now testing and it seems it is also "always on: in V7 here. I tried unchecking it and saving a file, then closing V7, and re-opening it, when saving the next file “save textures” is checked again… Did I set a set a switch somewhere or has it always been like this and I never noticed?

Hi everyone,

I have very similar workflows than Helvetosaur concerning the usage of images.

One of my additional goals is to EXPORT to DXF though and I was exspecting, that if ‘save textures’ is enabled this would also lead to a proper embedding of all imagery into that DXF-file (talking about Rhino 7)
Sadly it did not, as we only found out at the end of last year, when our customer incidentally got a feedback, in which his client stated, that the e.g. PDF-versions of said files allways show the imagery correctly, but the DXF-versions don’t, but still demand the external path’s for the imagery.
The goal is as is with Helvetosaurs files, that those DXF-files could be viewed/opened/imported by our customers around the globe without the need to send/include any externally referenced imagery.
Does anyone know, if this is solved in Rhino 8 ? It’s hard to test, as the images show up on my own machine, due to the path’s being correctly here.
I felt, like this might be of interest for anyone who has to deal with/export DXF-files.

Concerning the OFF or ON-state of this ‘save texture’ button, I would vote for having a toogle-switch for setting OFF or ON to permanent as there are clearly reasons for both workflows.

@Micha you could create an Alias for Save called SaveSlim or something for now.

-Save S=Yes a=No _Enter


You can also change the behaviour for ctrl+s in Rhino options > Keyboard to SaveSlim so it saves using your alias by default.


– cs


I don’t think that’s actually possible, not using whatever library Rhino is anyway, the options are just visible for all formats whether applicable or not.