When I add PBR materials and textures to my rhino file, I press save and my file goes from 10mb to 150 mb, embedding the textures into the file. I have to press save-as and un check textures in the pop-up and make a new file every-time I want to bring the file back to 10mb, my instructor was saying there should be a pop-up that asks to embed the textures into the file, I never get that pop-up.
Basically I am trying to change the settings where my textures get linked to the file rather than embedded without me having to save-as without textures everytime!
Once the file has been saved once, use the following macro:
-Save SaveTextures=No Enter
Also note that there is an advanced setting that turns off embedding for all files. Since that behavior might not be desirable for all files, this option should be used with caution. → Renderer Development Kit.Settings.RendererSupport.NeverEmbedFiles
I’ve been following the discussion, and for a moment, I thought that using “NeverEmbedFiles” in the advanced settings (as suggested by Andrew) would solve the problem. However, I now realize that it completely removes the ability to embed textures.
May I suggest keeping “Embed Textures” as an optional checkbox in the Save As dialog? (even when NeverEmbedFiles of advance settings is checked)
I also read the discussion on usability and user expectations. To build on that, I’d like to suggest adding a command line output during any “save” event (Save, Save As, SaveSmall, etc.) that explicitly states the options used for saving. This way, users can easily see wich settings have been used, especially when working on a different computer, without needing to guess what’s been saved.