This design flaw is a persistent problem for me. If it even remembered my choice from last time, it would not be so bad. If to a CTRL-S, the sidecars are saved–even if I asked to not save them last time. Ick!
So, every file save must be done through the Save-As menu, and then I need to uncheck everything, and if I make even one mistake, I have to delete the sidecar folder–and then find the textures next time.
Saving with textures might be good for people who do a small project, but with a large project with multiple version, or if a document trail is necessary–then save with textures become quite a mess.
I have 365 version of the same project, using the same textures. The files are quite manageable as save-small, later to put into 7zip archives, but with the sidecar folders, it would be unmanageable.
And here are some other people who really want to save small-without textures.
And here is another:
And another:
More happines, not:
This the thread where the incremental Save small, was made impossible because of a change.
I am sorry, but is an exception to Rhino 3D’s excellent user interface. Save small should save small by default and get fluffy as an option : )