Place the camera before rendering

Is there some tutorial or video teaching how to place the camera before rhino rendering?
I would like to render an building.
I would like to place the camera in a specific place, lock it there, and move with the eye around to find the optimal view of the building from the camera position that I have located.
And after finding the good view - I will save it as named view scene.
(Similar to “position camera” and “look around” in SkecthUp).
How can I do that?

Using ViewportProperties (the properties window with nothing selected), you can place the camera location. You will see that you can also pick a target point if you like. Once you have your camera placed, you can use Ctrl + Alt + right mouse button to pan the camera about while keeping the camera location static. When you get a view you like, you can save it using NamedViews.


If you press F6 when the perspective view is active the camera widget is visible in the other views.
You can then manipulate the camera points:

Also investigate the walkabout feature:

That will give the option to rotate around the camera point rather than around the target.


Thank you Sam and Willem.
Sam, I Think your suggestion of Ctrl + Alt + right mouse is good because it locks the camera position.
And what is Length lens? Does it mean the view of field? or the distance to the object?

Lens length will affect your field of view. A longer lens will make a tighter shot, and a short lens well be more wide angle. The lens lengths in Rhino correspond to a standard 35mm SLR type camera*


*This gets a little more involved, because you can stretch your viewport to other aspect ratios that 1.5:1, which is the aspect of a 35mm camera, 24mm tall by 36mm wide. If you keep your viewports wider than they are tall, the vertical field of view will be correct for the lens length entered.

Thank you very much Sam.
Can you please try to explain what do you suggest regarding the aspect ratio?
I think I don’t really understand it?
Should I change something in settings?

I would say if you don’t have a specific camera and lens you are trying to emulate, then don’t worry about it just frame your shot so it pleases you. But if you need to know exactly what you will be seeing from this camera with that kind of lens, then you need to pay attention to things like the aspect ratio and conversion factors if using a camera other than one with a 24mm x 36mm sensor / film area. I’ve attached a (rather old) script which I use to set my viewport aspect ratio.

This may also help to understand how Rhino’s camera works:

Be aware however, changing the viewport aspect ratio may not set you render aspect ratio depending on which renderer you are using. You may need to go to your renderer’s properties to set it. (12.6 KB)

And this guy is handy for setting camera height above terrain or other geometry: (6.9 KB)

Thank you very much !!
Your explanations are very helpful !!