Pipe Template

Is there a way to create a Pipe template ?
For example, when creating ten pipes with variable thickness, i whould like to do that without retyping the different start & end diameters, just have for example a 0.7 to 0.8 mm diameter fixed pipe command…

Hi Gil
try this macro:
_Pipe _Pause 0,7 0.8 _Enter
Ciao Vittorio

Tnx @vittorio
I really must get my macro skills better…:slight_smile:
Question, how do i get it to be 0.7 0.8 in Diameter (Not radius) and have the caps “Round” ?

Hi Gil
_Pipe _Pause _D _C _R 0.5 0.8 Enter :with Diameter Cap = Round

_Pipe _Pause _D _C _F 0.5 0.8 Enter :with Diameter Cap = Flat

_Pipe _Pause _D _C _N 0.5 0.8 Enter :with Diameter Cap = None

_Pipe _Pause _R …: with Radius

Ciao Vittorio

Tnx again ! @vittorio, the diameter is still a Radius… will try and solve it later…

Hi Gil
was my fault try new version
Pipe _Pause _D _C _R 0.5 0.8 Enter :with Diameter Cap = Round

_Pipe _Pause _D _C _F 0.5 0.8 Enter :with Diameter Cap = Flat

_Pipe _Pause _D _C _N 0.5 0.8 Enter :with Diameter Cap = None

_Pipe _Pause _R …: with Radius
ciao Vittorio

@vittorio It Works !