Simple Command Macro: Pipe Round caps with dimensions

Just got introduced to MacroEditor (Thank you Pascal) and am trying to build a simple macro that will sequentially Pipe round caps with start and end diameters.
Here’s what I’ve got so far and it pipes with round caps but still prompts me for start and end dimensions.
*Pipe R .4 .3

I’d like to use this for repetitive tapered piping.
Thanks for your time!
Gary D

wouldn’t that be:

!_Pipe pause cap=round .4 .3

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To make it repeat, use

*_Pipe _pause _cap=_round .4 .3

(asterisk in front is a ‘repeat’ character)


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@pascal is it needed to put _ on all the arguments as well for English commands?

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Hi Gijs - yes - the options need the underscore as well. Numeric input does not but the option name and the value for that should be underscored if you are using those.



Thanks didn’t know that

@gary2 how many curves do you need to pipe this way? If it’s more than 37 than you might want to take it a step further

Beautiful, thank you. This opens up yet another powerful tool for me. Bet I’ll be using some version of this a lot from now on. I don’t see a way to save it in MacroEditor. I can make it into an alias though, correct? Then simply change dimensions as necessary…
And now it occurs to me that there must be a store of useful macros like this somewhere…Food For Rhino?

Hi Gijs,
Only about a dozen this time. But what is the significance of 37 or more, and how would I take this further?

And Just an observation, I note that when I was first glitching around with this, simply typing R instead of caps=round seemed to get the round caps on. :slight_smile:

That’s my estimation of the amount of time it takes to write a script for it :grinning:

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Can work, but being explicit helps readability in the long end