Picture Frame Images Lost RH8

Images of a pictureframe are lost, when opening an Rhino 7 File in Rhino 8
reassigning the images does not work

see same file in R7 and R8



there is similar older topics - but no solution:

kabeltrommel_2023_02_saveTextures.3dm (8.4 MB)

system_info_tom_p_2024-04-19.txt (5.3 KB)




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when i drag the images again I get a fancy Blue state…

and the images are found for the surfaces - but not updated for the old ones…

Your file looks like this when I open it:

workaround / fix:
drag the images into the document again. Place as Picture-Frame.

now you have both materials twice
Kabeltrommel_right_DSX00804 (1).jpg
kabeltrommel_Front_DSX00808 (1).jpg

in properties, assign the correct material
in materials delete the damaged material

as this workaround does the job - I guess it s not a question of read/write file access writes of the file.

I’ve experienced same issues.

Me too (coming from R5 to R8). But Tom’s workaround works well.
Bedankt Tom,

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@maxz @John_Williams - are you also running Rhino on Mac?


Yes, macOS.

Yes, Mac OS Sonoma 14.4.1.

Hi, I believe that I have a similar problem in R8. I add images as picture frames. When I modify the image used outside of rhino (ie, in photoshop), R8 does not show the updated image. It continues to show the original. When I ‘refresh all textures’ it does not show the updated image.

this problem still exists in Version 8 (8.11.24240.13482, 2024-08-27)
any news ?

@BrianJ is this your expertise ?
or @Gijs who is responsible for this topic ?

for me this is super frustrating - opening a prepared worksheet, and the pictures / textures are lost.
I have to many files, that above workaround is acceptable.
I have a workshop tomorrow and have to edit all files that I hand to the students.

Version 8 (8.12.24254.14002, 2024-09-10)
on mac intel

systeminfo_tom_p_24-09-15.txt (5.1 KB)

thanks for a look at it.

kind regards and a good start into the week. - tom

looks like something additional is buggy here.
using a .png for a pictureframe gives a white plane.
drawing a plane and assigning the material works.

if I redraw a
_plane 3pt
and assign the material (was broken) assign the
_SetObjectDisplayMode to rendered (more like a self made pictureframe)
it works.
I suspect the info of custom displaymode is somehow corrupt …

@Tom_P I could not repeat it on any of the machines I have here. I tried on Win, and Mac M3 as well as on a similar Mac Intel.

You mentioned that you opened a prepared file and the image textures were not on the Picture objects. Are the images in the location the picture material is looking for them? My first guess is that the file was saved without textures embedded and then the images were moved or a directory name was changed. I can’t repeat the issue as well and actually taught a bunch of students on different Macs last week how to use Picture with the drag and drop technique without any issues.

Dear @BrianJ thanks for having a look.

ok forget about my post from yesterday - most of the issue is gone after a complete restart. … still some strange behaviour, crashed rhino by turning on alpha - transparency…

BUT please let s focus on the initial post / file.

This file (I re-downloaded it) shows the texture / picture in Rh7 (Version 7 (7.37.24004.15002, 2024-01-04))
but not in Rh8 (Version 8 (8.12.24254.14002, 2024-09-10))

Opening the file in Rh8 I get an error “file not found”.

But what is super strange - as soon as I “hide” the original file, rh8 will use the embedded ones…

… ok it is reproduceable … i will do a screenrecord but send it as private message as I do not whant to share all pathes of my HD…

kind regards


uploaded a screenrecording “tech@…” that shows the behaviour.
thanks again for having a look. -tom


Ok It looks like some strange issues with rights and access.
But maybe more, some bad implementation / File conversion from Rh7 to Rh8 ?

the following additional symptoms:

Turning on
System Settings > Privacy & Security > Full Disk Access Rhino 8 → “yes/on”
restart Rhino
reopen the document - the pictures show.
toggle above - the pictures are gone.

I still claim it s a bug.

  • the image is at the expected location, I can open it with Preview, Word, Affinity Photo, …
  • I can open the image even in Rhino 8 - drag&drop to a new file
  • I can access the image from the same Rhino 8 file, if i delete the material and drag&drop it again / new Pictureframe shows correct
  • Rhino 7 shows it as normal and does not have full disk access.

left: missing Image in Rh7-File opend in Rh8
right: dragged&dropped the image in Question to a new file

What is also strange is, that this error messages pop s up for some files - and takes quite long time (2-5 sec) …
The strange thing at this specific pop up was, that one of the images …front.jpg was showing correct but was included in the error message…

cheers - tom

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I logged RH-83938 Rhino 8 can’t read images from a Rhino 7 files’ picture frames

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