If I insert a picture, then I split the picture surface by an isocurve, delete a part I don’t want and then Shrink the surface to edge, everything looks fine. The image stays put on the surface. Ah, but wait…
Save and close the file, and re-open it. Bingo, the entire untrimmed image is now on the surface, compressed in one direction so it fits… The same happens even if I just copy/paste the picture to another file. In fact, Rhino doesn’t seem to know that it has to trim the image ‘permanently’. So it’s deceiving me in this case… Oh, I forgot, even better, all you need to do is go in and adjust something like the image transparency and the image reverts to the full one untrimmed one again.
Picture before splitting:
Picture after splitting (showing control points):
Picture after save/close/reopen or copy/paste:
No sample file because saving and closing already is buggy. But it’s easy to reproduce.
This is really not good, because if you spent a bunch of time tracing over a trimmed picture or using it as a reference, you think all is good until you reopen your file and see your reference image is no longer ‘referenced’. So a warning until this is addressed - crop your images in an image processing program before importing into Rhino…