I have a problem. And frankly, I don’t remember exactly how and when it happened. I had some regular solids in a model, all were the same type, placed at the same layer, with the same properties. One day I just notices they were gone. But not exactly, as you can see at the picture, there are some phantoms remaining. I can’t select these phantom objects. When I unhide everything the Rhino says it’s showing 21 hidden objects, exactly the same amount of the phantoms. Also, as you can see these object just ignore levels’ setting, they are "visible: even if they shouldn’t be:
Then, I opened the file with Rhino 6, there were no errors. And even the lost solids magically re-appeared:
But saving the model back to Rhino 5 version gave the errors again. I have tried cleaning bad objects, rescuing the file, also the block manager shows nothing special.
The problem is with the Rhino release 5.14.522.8390 and the latest VisualArq 2.7.4. For some reasons I have to use Rhino 5 sometimes. I would appreciate any help…
Cheers, Jaro