Pen display mode

It is great news that Rhino have support for vector output with Technical Display!

However there is one more issue that is preventing many architectural offices from using Rhino in their professional workflow - support for vector output with clipped objects, which was mentioned earlier in this thread. This functionality is cruicial since hatches are used to differentiate eg. sectioned masonry wall and concrete beam.

Are there any plans to support this feature (or eliminate this bug, depends on your expectations)?
And please, let’s put VisualARQ aside, which has its own sectuon at McNeel forum.


Hi Michal -

Depending what you define by “support”, this should work in Rhino 8.6. You can change your update frequency to get its current release candidate.

Thank you for this information. Vector output for clipped objects in Technical Display is available in Rhino 8.6!

There is only one important aspect to solve before the final release - while the printed pdf looks good, the display shows something totally different - eg. I could not make hidden lines dissapear and generally speaking is quite ugly - flickering hatches etc. Something to work on, but I hope it will be solved soon!

Hi @wim
Sorry, I am probably asking some obvious things, which already discussed many times.
Am I correct, printing with all the Layer properties (line type and weight) is still not available for Technical/Pen mode? I can see proper use of Layer properties for Wireframe mode but not for mentioned ones. I am using V8.6 now.

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Hello @wim, @Gijs, @rajaa and McNeel team.

Is there a plan to have same behavior for Pen/Technical mode as Wireframe from PDF printing perspective? I described a wish above.

Here are the results with the latest V8.6.

  1. Pen/Technical mode doesn’t take into account any Layer properties.
    No possibility to have a proper results in vector.

  2. PrintDisplay doesn’t show the same image as preview dialog during Print.

  3. Print dialog doesn’t take Layout Size for preview. It uses something different.

  4. Clipping curves are trying to carry Layer properties, but they’re
    overlapping with solid line in resulting PDF.

Please, see attached files.

888.3dm (204.0 KB)

888.pdf (5.8 KB)

UPD. Here is some additional info to think on.


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Hello @wim , @Gijs , @brian, @pascal.
Sorry for pushing the topic up.

Could you please review issues I mentioned above and add some to the bug list?
Any prediction when these could be fixed?

I apologize for being so insisting.

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Hi Screamer -

Creating vector output from technical display modes are to pay attention to linetype settings. As of now, the Hidden linetype is used to create the hidden lines and there are no settings for other types of lines. It’s on the list to have other types of lines look at other linetype definitions. There are no concrete plans to have the display of technical display modes in the viewport also adhere to these linetypes but there are several items on the list to be able to modify this as well. I’d say that these will converge at some point in the future.

That sounds like something completely else?

Rhino 9 at the very earliest.


Yes, it’s just a one item from the list, not related to the Pen/Technical mode. Still a minor bug.

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