I have been ultra careful all alphabet characters drawn up using curve tool are closed curves, hairline thickness.
When cut in vinyl the text stroke widths are 2mm
Bureau says opened pdf see stroke width 0.8mm and 0.6mm etc
What ???
Then I discover their system is reading some thickness the process of File>print selected items as vector pdf output has made, (using pdf24) zoom in on pdf and my hairlines are thick, so now a 2mm wide text stroke is with 0.8mm black lines. At high mag they are wriggly., but too high to upset knife.
What happened to the hairlines the blade is supposed to follow. One company said ai workable needs fixes , lots to close up, extra £50 , thats 120% more fee, but pdf no good.
Then there are an array of radiating lines beyond the edge of a triangle, certainly not in my original rhino file.
Why when the original was perfect is this mess occurring, as this is time critical work …its embarrasing to submit this to them.
What settings would give ai as hairline and closed shaped remain closed ? (all are planar, all drawn in front view)
What settings make pdf not allocate some thick line to my work, and in places its thicker than other places yet all lines were ‘default’ in layers pallette.