When i print with the pdf feature it does not put the dimensions in the right position.For instance in the drawing they are above the dimension line but in the pdf they are under the dimensionline. It allso happens in the cute pdf maker.
I think 75 mb is within discourse’s capability. Just use the uplink icon at the top of the reply screen. (5th from right: horizontal line at bottom with up-pointing arrow).
If you have time, it would be helpful to reduce a copy of your file to just the offending parts that show the problem and upload that.
Hoi René,
I’m not sure what you want us to find in here…
Preferably, a simple file only has geometry pertaining to the problem - so not several layouts with borders and curves far from the origin (like that circle that is 70 meters away in your file).
At any rate, I only found dimensions on page A3 1:10 and when I printed that sheet to PDF, it came out looking the same as what is in that file.
Are you trying to get a layout page to PDF? Or a modeling viewport?
Are you using Print or SaveAs?
Also, is your custom template originally a RH5 file?
i realize now that the base of the drawing is a v5 template i made myself and yes indeed it is too far off from the origin. Thnaks, i will fix that.
There were a few issues i encountered working with this file. One was that it is really slow. When i use dimensions and click on a point it freezes for a few seconds. The other one is that when is use make2D in a perspective viewport it turns out a 2d drawing without the hidden lines and with some extra strange drawings. I only have this in my original file, not in the one i amde smaller. And offcourse the problem with the dimensions shifting.
You ask me what i want you to find here. Well i am just trying to help developing V6 by reporting bugs.
Hoi René,
Zeer goed dat je probeert te helpen!
Ik stelde die vraag enkel omdat er veel meer dingen in dat bestandje zaten dat wat er nodig is om een bug duidelijk te maken. Ik wist gewoon niet waar zoeken.
Lowell laat weten dat hij het probleem met positie van de dimensies opgelost heeft. In de volgende BETA versie zal je dat kunnen testen.
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