Recently I’ve been watching through the ShapeDiver tutorials on YouTube (super helpful btw thanks for making those!) and was trying out the newly added PDF export functionality.
I followed along with the tutorial and created a super simple sketch with only lines. But somehow the export into PDF process in ShapeDiver app got stuck in this window indefinitely
The model was exported smoothly in GH instead of using the ShapeDiver App. I was wondering if there is anything wrong?
Here is also a overview of the GH file I used (again, I’m using super simple lines just to test it out)
Thanks for the reply! after inspecting your GH file I realized that one of the inputs for the outline block in my GH file needs to be defined separately instead of defining it inherently inside the original block, something like this…
somehow the export can only be performed in GH and locally but not in ShapeDiver when I define it inside the original outline block. Now defining it externally solves the problem and was able to download PDF files for my GH object.