Patch layout / modelling approach advice needed

Hello everyone!

Novice here! I’m currently trying to learn Rhino to see if it can take place in my tool arsenal.
Few recent weeks I was working on the tutorial and watching some more advanced modelling videos by Kyle, thirtysixverts and Bobi, and many more. I have some experience with CAD as a hobbyist, but not with surface modelling.

So I decided to learn in a hard way since I already know few basic and more advanced techniques, but lack of the experience bit me hard. The project I’m working on is a A-pillar from my car which I’m trying to blend a podium for a tweeter, in some sort of organic way. The a-pillar was scanned and reconstructed with subd in Fusion360 few months ago, which I have imported into Rhino as a step file model. Now few words about fabrication - I do plan to cut the matching hole in the a-pillar, 3d print the model and bond in place, then it will be finished with sanding and filling.

So my goal is understand how to approach this modelling exercise. My few attempts are not great at all, I don’t like the flow and surfaces I’m getting are too “busy”, because I’m trying to been them to the circle I think. I haven’t even tried to finish the model, because with initial surfaces it feel like it doesn’t make sense.

I’m attaching the model I have to show approximately what I’m trying to do in general. It not necessarily what I wanted to do, it is actually what I was able to do. That’s the problem when you lean towards what the program and your skill allow you to to achieve :smile:
audi-a-pillar_forum.3dm (17.4 MB)

I would be super grateful for some advises, techniques or other materials to help me wrap my head around this exercise.

just for others to have a faster overview - this is the part in question.

@Alex_L there is a picture/texture missing, make sure that you check the “save texture” (and save small checkbox) in the save dialog. maybe delete unnescessary data - I think the file limit here in the forum is 20MB.

Thanks @Tom_P, it’s already “save small”, and it wasn’t textured. I decided to leave some additional layers with original surface and the speaker for better visual representation, but it’s not necessary. Sorry for the file size…