
Hi guys. Ive had rhino8 since about last spring and ive had a pretty steep learning curve. Ive spent alot of time watching kyle houchens tutorials and going step by step to follow along. Which has been great. Ive learned alot and im at the point where i need to segway from copying others models and into making the things i want to make. For the most part thats car interior parts. Right now im trying to create an inner door panel for a car. Its my first attempt at where im tring to go with this. Ill attach the file below and hopefully i can gather some useful input. Where im having trouble is in a few places.

  1. I think i should go bac an draw a picture just like kyle does and use it as a canvas
  2. Execution. I seemed to have done a few things ok, like the shape of the door and the pocket work ok but the armrest isn’t coming out how i want. this should be a nicely curved and flowing piece, not a wedge with sharp edges. I find it hard to figure out the approach . I’ve watched all kyles videos and though ya i can do that. But applying what I’ve learned seems to have its own learning curve. How would you guys go about the arm rest?
  3. Ive managed a nice seperation detail on the top of the door but cant seem to figure out how to loft them together so i can recess a small gap line
  4. Id like to apply what im doing here to 3d scans. Like of a door panel. Does anyone have any good pointers or videos on how to approach that?
  5. Im getting closer to where i want to be but i still find simple things tricky. like how to match edges properly and when to choose nurbs vs subd. Any pointers on how to plan my approach better? kyles videos are mostly product design and im trying to lean toward reverse engineering.
    Thanks in advance!

Door_Panel.3dm (331.3 KB)

just for others that read @Mike36 s initial point. that s the uploaded file / geometry:

if you re working in a professional context, i recommend a local tutor, face to face,
and at least one day of 1:1 coaching - where are you based ?

maybe sketch on screenshots (perspective / planar views / sections) to more precisely show your design intent. - quick and dirty: try _blendEdges

kind regards -tom

im in boston. where would you suggest a good place to look for a tutor?

I am in Zürich / Switzerland.
Ask a local Rhino Reseller if they can recommend somebody.

I’d go with somthing like this-
2 overbuilt surfaces blended at the top edge, trimmed off with the vertical panel surface for the arm rest-

draw a curve that does what you want for the gap surface shape then sweep 2 to make the actual surface to fill the gap.

or project curves then push pull the gap inwards to make a square bottom surface. use the loose option.

make sure you watch Skys primary surfacing series- it’s must watch for all users, but for new users it’s virtually mandatory.