Parts of Rhino Model Disappear During Flythrough Animation

hello all! I’m trying to make a rough flythrough animation via rhino (shaded view, no rendering), and I notice when I record the animation that the back parts of the model seem to disappear. It seems like it has something to do with the depth of the viewing plane. Could anyone provide some help?

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same problem since forever! :frowning:

Hi Liz, Maksym- - so objects are being clipped, is that correct? Can you please post a file (simple, preferably - just a few boxes or something if that shows the problem) with the path curves etc ?

Have you tried the same process in the V6/WIP yet, by the way? Is it any better?



I’m having this problem in Rhino 7! When doing a flythough animation on one path curve, the preview play will be perfectly fine, but during the recording my camera’s target gets so close to it’s origin that you cannot see any objects! Maybe it’s a problem with the camera trying to look at the path curve too close instead of keeping the target distance the same throughout?

Hi Joseph -can you post an example file?


Hello! Any updates on how to fix the problem? I am using Rhino 7 now and also having the exact same issues you described as well!!

Hi D L -

Joseph never came back with the example file that was requested. Please provide that and the output of the Rhino SystemInfo command.