I was hoping you could help me figure out why my model keeps disappearing. Every time I use the mouse button to scroll on certain views the model either disappears or shows up while I’m scrolling then disappears again. It also freezes after a few minutes. I don’t think it is an issue with zooming in. I’ve attached the file and its the rhino 7 version for mac auspav.3dm (16.4 MB)
Kind regards, Talia
that is pretty freakish, i have no idea how you screwed that up. fiddling a bit around to get it going at all it seems exporting it to a lower version (i used V4) helped bringing it back to a state where it seems ok.
can you explain your last steps before that started occuring?
I made a curve and then added a pipe to it and all the problems started after that. I will try a lower version thanks for your help.
Hello - window select around the visible objects in Front.
Run Invert
then Delete