Hello! When I try to export a polysurface into a .x_t file, I get a very large file which I am unable to use because of its size. Any way that I can reduce the file size?
I have attached here the Rhino file with a mesh that I want to subtract from the beam to get a solid. I had used the MeshtoNURB function to convert the mesh to a polysurface and then used Nonmanifoldmerge/CreateRegions to obtain the difference between the two polysurfaces but the file obtained is too large.
Converting the mesh directly to nurbs resulted in each mesh triangle converted to a nurbs patch. This is rarely useful with meshes with a lot of faces. Your mesh has about 80,000 faces
Using the Rhino7 workflow quadremesh > subd > nurbs will result in significantly fewer surfaces in generating the nurbs object. However there will be some unavoidable variation from the mesh.
I’m doing the quadrememesh > subd step now, but its very slow with this mesh. In my experience it typically does not take this long. The mesh is good, so that’s not the issue, perhaps is the complex topology.
It finished converting but unfortunately I think it’s not going to help you.
There is a larger deviation from your mesh to the nurbs than I anticipated, and the X_T file is about 100Mb. Even with zipping it it is too large to post here.
I used the “Interpolate Subd” option which should have eliminated some volume shrinking.
I don’t think its possible to get a smaller nurbs object with this topology without altering the volume and faithfulness to your original mesh surface to a greater degree.
If you PM me your email address I can send you a DropBox link to the X_T file and Rhino file that I saved. It is a closed polysurface.
I have done the NonManifoldMerge operation before CreateRegions to get the difference between the beam and polysurface. However, when I try to share the nodes (shared topology) in ANSYS, it fails; any idea why that might be? Can I send you the Rhino file with the two .x_t files created if that can help?