Parallel Shade Lines request and print bug example

Are you on the latest Service Release Candidate? if not please update, 8.4 printing has the improvements and 8.5 is expected to as well. We will need more info if there are still issues for you in 8.5. Thanks

I don’t want to clutter up the spacemouse conversation. I’ll break off any issues to a new thread.

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:face_with_monocle: :thinking: :thought_balloon:

I think my link is broken.
gimmie link :sweat_smile:

nvrmnd I thnk I got it downloading now :star_struck:

I think it might be working better…

There’s a bug whereby the edges are showing up in the print to pdf but shouldn’t be:


This is kinda proprietary so chopped the image a bit – very simple part though no biggy.

The way the display mode looks before print:

shared here:
blue print style_1_25_24.ini (14.4 KB)

Also, btw, it would be great if we ‘users’ had more control over them cool parallel shade lines, etc. :coffee: :slightly_smiling_face:

oops now prob need new thread :sweat_smile:

yes, pls clean up your post and make a new topic for this issue as it is totally unrelated, thanks

Let’s get this GUI cleaned up :coffee:


The bug shown here is, the srf seams / edges are supposed to be off (like in the display mode shared above), but instead they’re showing up in the ‘print’. The display mode looks great, aside from lack of control the user has over the parallel shade lines (color, boldness, etc.) – while the print, not so great unless the user wants the edge there, thus then it’s fantastic lol.

Not to mention the ‘hidden lines’, and lack of control the user has over the spacing etc.