Page Orientation Issue

Thanks Steve,
I’ll download it once it is out.
I was also having a bit of an issue with the page orientation in layout. Sometimes it shows up as the correct orientation, and other times it doesn’t.
See below;

Page 2. Landscape selected on a new 11 x 17 layout

Page 2. Page orients as portrait

Page 3. Portrait 11 x 17 selected

Page 3. Page orients as landscape

Page 4, landscape selected- page correctly oriented as landscape.
Page 5, Portrait selected - page correctly oriented as portrait.

I can’t figure out why it is correct sometimes and wrong other times.


@PAUL_HIGG I split this off into a new topic so we don’t lose it in the other thread. Am I correct in understanding that you are getting the incorrect page size when creating a layout using the “layout” command?

Hey Steve, yes that it correct, when using the layout command or pressing the “+” tab at the bottom of the screen to create a new layout. I think the page size is correct but the orientation is not.