Origami using Kangaroo

Hi Daniel,
I am modeling a Yoshimura origami using your grasshopper example.
My Pattern is as shown above: Mountain in orange and valleys in green.

In addition to your origami example, I also add some boundary conditions:

-both edges should be at the plane OXY
-both edges should be parallel to each other

When a set my folding amount to 0, my origami is flat. However, if I set it to 1, it is not completely folded. Could you explain me why does it happen? Is it possible to fold it completely?

Iā€™ve tried to increase the folding amount, but my model doesnā€™t converge for folding amount greater than 1.15 (some panels crash at each other)



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Origami_k2.gh (31.5 KB)
Does this example help?


Canā€˜t look at your file atm, but may this helps:

Thanks Daniel. Now it works perfectly.
Could you explain me how does the origami analysis work and what are the difference from origami analysis on kangaroo 1 and 2? If I am not wrong valley and mountains are modeled as springs and the solver searches the equilibrium for a given fondling angle. On kangaroo 1 we had a damper factor. On the file you sent me I couldnā€™t find it.

Thank you in advance

Hi tim,

Thanks for your answer. I donā€™t think it was mathematical problem. I made a paper origami and it was foldable for the dimensions I have choose .
The file Daniel sent works fine for my geometry.