Organic bone-like shapes problem

Hey there!
I have been trying to fill a closed brep, with bone-like shapes, using the Voronoi 3d pattern.
I have tried combining solutions that appeared here

but got stuck with open mesh, and couldn’t solve it

An alternative I have tried was baking the Voronoi wireframe, then using
the ‘multiPipe’ command in rhino - gave me the closest result, but vertices connections were
a bit off in some cases, not smooth on the vertices.

adding my best try so far, and a picture of an annoying vertex example.

my (13.2 KB)

The following question will be - is it possible to connect the net in a smooth way into a solid body
as shown in this reference:



Hi @yotamcdo

One issue with taking the curves from a Voronoi diagram of random points is that it usually has some very tiny edges and sharp angles, this is what was causing those funny looking nodes.

If you run some cleanup on the lines to get rid of these it is often enough to make it work: (16.3 KB)
(also uses this tool Topologizer.gha (19 KB) )


there are many tools to do what you want, but no magic tool. One of the best was Cocoon but it is hard to master. You could look at Dendro also.


would that not be a perfect match for the skeleton fattener? @DanielPiker also for this example it would be nice to have Rhinos mulitpipe working like the skeleton fattener setting local radius, any idea if that will be surfacing in rhino?

Hey, thank you very much for the quick reply!
I tried to use the attached files.
could not open the topologizer for some reason (placed it in the component folder),
and the multipipe_fix file include component of kangaroo version 2.53 (multipipe) which I could not find.

also just out of curiosity, is there a way to close the mesh I have added in
my previous comment.

Hi @encephalon
MultiPipe is just the new name for Fattener and is in GH now under the SubD tab in R7.
About setting local radii in the Rhino command - yes it will get some options.
In GH it is easy to parametrically create and input a different radius for each one of hundreds of points - but picking each one and typing a value in Rhino isn’t practical, so it might need a different mechanism for dealing with large numbers of nodes in a sensible way.

@yotamcdo - which version of Rhino are you running?
You might need to update to the current service release.
For Topologizer.gha - you need to unblock it. Is it giving an error about this when you load the file or on GH startup?

You have got 2 out of 2 correct!
thank you very much [=

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means for different application should be considered. in rhino using this tool would be probably rather more about understanding a shape or something more precise but with a low amount of curves and nodes. so having options for different radii like in the normal pipe command might just do fine.

the example i copied from the first post is maybe on the boarder of that, still an intuitive way of programming a hand full of curves at best is something which should not be lost out of sight imho, au contraire to grasshopper of course where one would manage a larger amount.