I’m currently testing visualarq and was wondering:
Would it be possible and make sense to have dimensions and texts be dependant on the building storey? I’d have something in mind along the lines of the guides display in VA3.
The guides are only displayed on the active level.
I feel that having the option to tie 2d geometry/annotations to a storey like this would improve the whole architectural workflow on rhino/VA by lightyears.
Currently you need to put dimensions on the layout sheets if you work on a multi-storey building. Having f. e. dimensions outside of your building in 3d space makes them overlap and unreadable on final plans.
Dimensioning in 3d space makes it much easier to adapt to changes in geometry and communicate perspectives with measurements, for easier comprehension. These are just some of many advantages.
I feel like this feature would give a much needed ability to maneuver 3d construction drawings on rhino.
Let me know what you think, I’d love to see that feature!
Hi @gabriel.schugut if I understand you correctly, are you suggesting drawing dimensions/texts in the model space, on each level, but only displaying those on the active level? that sounds like a good idea. But what should the program do with vertical dimensions? hide them too but in elevation views?
I can see people managing dimensions by layers, where each set of dimensions of each floor is stored in a specific layer for controlling its visibility in page layout detail views.
Yes exactly!
Of course there would need to be a button somewhere to show or hide all annotations at the same time…
Exactly this “each storey=1 layer for annotation” is what i’d like to avoid…
It becomes a huge pain always turning them on and off manually, as well as having limited usability for differentiation between annotations.
If, f. e., i want to have detail annotations, dimensions, dots and texts in a 8-storey renovation project(one set of new and one of old layers), it becomes a huge trouble very quickly.
I hope this explains a bit better, sorry for the late response.
This is a fantastic idea. Dims attached to elevation and floorplan cuts would be simply amazing.
And I completely agree with @gabriel.schugut’s comments on the layer management workflow. While technically feasible, the workflows must be more efficient than that or they just won’t be used.