Im looking for someone to help me get quickly familiarized with rhino so I can do basic architectural models. I come from extensive autocad experience. Can someone recommend a decent tutor? Maybe someone here is willing to spend an hour with me to build a model?
Download a demo version of Visualarq and watch the tutorials.
Thanks Thomas. I will check that out. But for now Id like to learn the basics of rhino standalone without plugins.
maybe this can help (a simple building)
Do you need it to be someone or will tutorials suffice?
Hi Peter, this is probably just personal preference but, I like to look at some tutorials , videos and such, then try the software. It doesn’t seem so effective to jump in before knowing some basics. Fwiw–Mark
Rhino 5 Essential Training at Link for 10-days free. Videos seen by 820,000!
I also do one-one-one tutoring, but beginners are better off with the videos, a little practice, and then we can work together via Skype.
Thank you. I checked it out. Looks quite intense and long. WIll have to spend some time on it. Thank you.
Thank you. Ill check it out. I’ve been working on a model for a few days. Took the above advice about jumping in and it’s coming along. The tutorial on building a house was helpful.
Of course there are questions along the way but I find with a quick google search I usually find what I need. But there are some nuanced things that I get stumped on.
My next mission is to render this model. Pray for me.