Online help - language switchers

Hi All,

for each language in which Rhino is distributed, could you not add a button to choose/change to the desired language on the help site?

you are talking about online help ?

…as a workaround you can edit the address in you browser …


but it looks like this workaround is buggy… you might loose the navigation

see this topic also

maybe edit the tile of your post / topic - something like “Online help - language switchers”

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yes that’s what i do

in fact, it didn’t happen before.
but now that’s what’s happening to me lately.

However, a button to switch between languages ​​without having to manually change the address would be useful.

see this topic

make sure to insert / not to loose the part of the address:

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ok thanks @Tom_P

it works like this, I didn’t know there were two addresses with and without navigator :+1:

let’s say that at this point the problem remains anyway, that is when I press F1 in Rh in English,
it gives me a different address than the one you posted, the strange thing is that in English the navigator is there, if I manually change the language in this case I lose it.

(It’s a bit of a convoluted thing, hopefully we can unify and simplify everything)

that s the bug I reported on the other thread / topic.

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I added a wish report about the language switcher. Thank you.

RH-84167 Help: Add language switches to the website

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