Rhino3d.com automatically sets language to system and can't be changed

Hello everyone,

i’m from germany but use Rhino in english.
www.rhino3d. com gets automatically displayed in german and all the tutorials about Rhino 8 are somewhat useless to me since i do not know the german names for commands/tools.

the “Sprache” link in the lower right corner dose not change anything since german and english both just link to rhino3d. com
unlike e.g. french which links to rhino3d. com/fr/ and all links work in french/point to the /fr/ version of the site.

changing to rhino3d. com/en/ by hand dose change to the english version but all links used change back to german (the /en/ gets removed)

VPN set to UK/US still displays german so i guess its OS settings based

May i kindly ask to change rhino3d. com to english only and keep the german version of it to rhino3d. com/de/ like it is with the other languages?

typing /en/ into the sites adress for each link feels a bit 1995 tbh.

best regards

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Have you tried setting the default language in your browser? For example, in Edge:

If this is the only site you use this setting for, you can use a different browser just for Rhino3d.com

I use a few :slight_smile:



It is all right now ! :slight_smile:
The solution is : Ajouter des langues dans Rhino [McNeel Wiki]