OffesetOnSrf fails in Rhino8

I’m trying to use OffsetOnSrf component in GH, I’m seeing different results between Rhino7 and Rhino8. In Rhino8 the component fails to generate a valid offsetted curve, from only some sections of the original input, while in Rhino 7 the result is valid.
I tried with different offset values, please check the .gh file attached. (2.3 MB)

Edit: I also tried using the RhinoCommon API in a C# plugin, the result is the same

Any suggestion?


Yes, also happens to me in Rhino 8SR9.

Rhino 7

Rhino 8


Anyone else having this problem? Anyone found a solution?

Hi, thanks for reporting this. I updated the trimming algorithm in OffsetCrvOnSrf for this issue. It looks like this is causing the trim to be incorrect now in this case. I opened a new issue here.

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