bad result seen in screenshot
same thing if I try RhinoCommon in a C# component
work-arounds? (2.9 KB)
bad result seen in screenshot
same thing if I try RhinoCommon in a C# component
work-arounds? (2.9 KB)
Looks like you’ve got a duplicate point, at least within tolerance.
thanks for point that out
i do have a pair very close but they are 0.003 units apart, over the tolerance that is set to 0.001
fyi i did an offset command on the baked curve in rhino with 0.1 and it worked just fine
Well, I thought maybe it was inadvertent because they are so close. If you eliminate one of them, the offset works, so perhaps it fails because of this? Clipper seems to work.
It has to do with the plane and how the curve lies on it, that’s also why it works on the p thing.
If you flip the curve or the plane it works. Not sure if this is a bug.