OBJ export screws large textures

When I export a mesh with large textures to OBJ, and try to import this OBJ in Rhino for a check, the texture has disappeared.

Here’s a large OBJ

  1. Open it in Rhino
  2. Notice that texture is there
  3. Export to OBJ as a different name
  4. Open that new OBJ in Rhino
  5. Notice that the texture is lost

It seems to work fine for lighter maps though.

Just in case…
that “black” color is the color of the layer of the object.

Try Rendered view.
Also, you can set just one object to use rendered view:

imports properly, this part at least had a texture showing, which confuses me, i though you need a little extra file that goes with the obj usually but oh well it works

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(no “rendered” thing needed … just disable mesh wires if they bother you…)

can confirm:

Yep, I’ve known this for 25 years now. :laughing:
Actually, I should specify thet the exported OBJ file should be saved elsewhere than the original OBJ.

Then, suddenly, Rhino can’t find the maps anymore.
It seems that OBJs that I export with my scanner or photogrammetry program have embeded textures, but that Rhino exports them with separate texture files (maybe).

It’s a similar issue that I described in another thread.
Rhino’s management of mappings generates bloated files and a lot of head scratching when it comes to move files around.

@osuire, the shared OBJ file does not come with a texture. It has vertex colors, which is what all those who are testing it are seeing some output with colors. But that is without materials. The command-line will show you this as well:

As you can see the file does reference the material file called Facade.mtl, but that you didn’t share, so that isn’t used.

It’d be useful if you shared the Facade.mtl. And with that you also need to share the original image files for that to work.

Note that the GalerieBis.obj file from your other thread also does not contain the material file nor the textures. So anyone importing that will see vertex colors used only, just like this one.

addendum: When exporting this and you want to preserve vertex colors you need to tell the exporter to do so

addendum 2: here a zipped file of a re-export of the two OBJ files from this and the other thread, with the vertex colors checked as per above screenshot: both_together_for_osuire.obj.zip - Google Drive