i baked a mesh from grasshopper to rhino, put materials to it which it shows in model. However when I render it shows grasshopper’s colors, what do I do?
The materials you used were created in Rhino? Or are they created in Grasshopper?
Maybe share a simple definition example of what you see?
Hi Nathan,
yes it was added in Rhino but still showing grasshopper’s colors. This is the file- mesh from scratch 2.2 - Copy.3dm (4.5 MB)
and this is how the viewport shows-
and the render is this-
this was the grasshopper definition- from scratch 2.2 foe export.gh (34.4 KB)
Hello- the mesh has vertex colors applied. Here is a script that will clear those:
ClearMeshVertexColors.py (469 Bytes)
To use the Python script use RunPythonScript
, or a macro:
`_-RunPythonScript “Full path to py file inside double-quotes”’
thank you so much Pascal <3 you saved my day