I have projected a line to a surface, used result for the end cap of a trimmed FilletEdge, yet unable to use the capped fillet to trim surface,
if its a line projected to surface it should trim that surface surely !
There are times Rhino does my head in.
I then made that line a surface going through the surface, cant fail now, yes it can.
still it refuses to intersect with surface yet I used the intersect to make it !
I used the intersect to be a profile to sweep2 the triangle at βAβ
and that triangle doesnt intersect the surface.
I give in !!!
and also at B the edge was used for the sweep2 end fill, and its open .
How the heck do I get this fillet to trim the surfaces , I was convinces the two βendsβ using edge lines and projected to surface lines would trim the surface.?
1 hr on just one small item, whole week on something that should have taken 1 day.
where some of the side surfaces are extended to the fillet and trimmed
From what I couyld tell the existing fillets was not accurate, I made a new one - either way, the edge near B needs a close look - it does not quite hit the surface edge on the flat face:
I have redone these 3 and using results of project to surface, its bound to intersect, but it fails intersect command.
A B I then drew a new line, projected to surface, ran intersect on the result and just the tip shows a point.
Why does a line projected to surface fail intersect on the resulting line ?
I cannot make the fillet and trim with no intersect.
i try again, draw a line for ab and use a new result.
still it fails .also project ab to vertical surface , get a result, run intersect and its good, make a fillet sweep 2 and it fails to cut it afterwards.