Newbie using Rhino, How to make surface by network surface

Hi, Im really new to Rhino, I am trying to make a 3d model using network surface but it always said that “unable to use curve network", when i use other tools like loft, sub d loft, etc it also seem did’t work, can anyone help me?

thank you

p.s. here’s the file
231129 aoss new.3dm (2.9 MB)

NetworkSrf does not work for an arbitrary set of curves. There are strict requirements.

From Rhino 8 Help: Rhinoceros Help - NetworkSrf | Rhino 3-D modeling (

The NetworkSrf command creates a surface from a network of crossing curves.

  • All curves in one direction must cross all curves in the other direction and cannot cross each other.

does that mean i have to make new curves that crossing the opposite direction?

I would consider a different design approach.