Problem in networksrf command

i dont know why when i use this command to make a surface , they respond me like this , any ideas how to fix it
Untitled.3dm (53.9 KB)

Upload a .3dm file with the curves. Drag the file to where you type a post, or use the vertical arrow icon.

thank you for letting me know, i uploaded the .3dm file

Two curves are grouped instead being joined. Group and Join are different. I ungrouped the curves and then joined them.

NetworkSrf is not the best command to use with this set of curves.

What is you design intent? Surfaces can be created using Loft, EdgeSrf and PlanarSrf.

Untitled (4) DC01.3dm (2.1 MB)


thank you bro you are the best

can i ask you what is the difference between edgesrf and networksrf and loft and planasrf . they all make surfaces but how we choose between them

EdgeSrf creates an untrimmed surface with edges which exactly matches two, three or four curves if the ends of the curves coincide. If there are gaps between the ends of the curves EdgeSrf may create a surface but the edges will deviate from the input curves. The degrees and number of control points of the surface depends on the degree and number of control points of the input curves.

Loft creates an untrimmed surface with input curves lying on the surface. It is typically used with two or more “section” type curves. There are options which determine the degree and shape of the surface.

PlanarSrf creates a simple planar surface from a curves/polycurves/lines/polylines which form a closed planar loop. The surface will be rectangular and will be trimmed to the closed loop, unless the closed loop is exactly a rectangle.

NetworkSrf creates a degree 3 surface based on a set of input curves. The input curves need to be able to be sorted into two groups. See Help for a description of the requirements for the input curves. The surface created by NetworkSrf generally not match the input curves exactly, but will try to match the input curves within the specified tolerances. Kinks in the input curves will be smoothed. If the input curves do not intersect NetworkSrf may create a surface using an average of the curve positions. When NetworkSrf is used with surface edges as the edge curves then tangency and curvature continuity matching may be available in addition to position matching. NetworkSrf tends to create “heavy” surfaces with many control points and spans, which can make the surface difficult to manually modify later.

Rhino Help is a great resource for learning what commands do.

Experience. One good way to gain experience is to experiment. Create surfaces using the different commands, look at them and compare the differences.


thanks man