New version of VRay 2

Just noticed that there is a new build dated March 8, 2016 for Vray for Rhino5. Anyone download it and use it yet?

Thanks for notification. I did a quick test.
Same core version. Must be bugfix version.
No noticeable speed improvement.

I eagerly wait for the public beta of V-Ray Rhino 3.

Most wanted features

  1. Speed :slight_smile:
  2. RT-Speed :smile:
  3. V-Ray 3.x core
  4. More features in RT-GPU e.g. SkyTexture support

Yup I can’t wait myself. A speed improvement will be most welcomed.

eagerly is an understatement!

i cant help but feel this ~April~ release wont come in april :\

Yes, that was just a patch with some bugs fixed.
We are currently in a close beta period of V-Ray 3.0. Once we are ready for the open Beta we are going to let everybody know.

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how close are we? an april public beta has now become a june one…

Hello guys, I’m new on this forum.
I’m desperate because I just bought a pc with a GTX 1080 + I7 6700k for rendering. The fact is that the guys who sold me and built this computer are not familiar with rhino and vray. So far I’ve used consumer pc’s and vray production renders with Vray 2.0. So I never did hardware settings before. I tested the new pc with a standard scene, and the render time it’s almost the same as the old one (with GT 330 + I7 860).
I don’t know where to start. I thought this forum would be the only solution. Thanks.

If you’re rendering using the CPU (standard render command), only the CPU is working. The performance difference between a i7 860 and i7 6700k in percentage should be reflected in the rendering time.
To have to GPU do some work, you have to use the V-Ray RT engine.


The public beta has started.