New ToolBar... UI ambiguity

Hi @stevebaer,

when clicking on the small gear icon to the right of an existing toolbar and choosing “New Toolbar…” from the context menu, it would be useful if the upcoming dialog indicates to which rui file this new toolbar is actually added:

Imho it is unexpected that the new toolbar is always added to default rui when a user clicked the “New Toolbar…” menu entry from a toolbar residing in a custom rui file.



thanks @clement

I added RH-81286 Custom toolbar: add new toolbar

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Thanks @Gijs for adding this to the bugtracker.

Actually the real headbanging started after i created mutliple buttons for the new toolbar (which unexpectedly was added to default.rui and not my custom rui), and i noticed it. I’ve then created the new toolbar in my custom rui from:

Options > Rhino Options > Toolbars

and copied every button to it. Then i deleted the toolbar which was created under default.rui. Once i closed R8, i’ve noticed that it (still) created that copy of my custom rui file here:


I’ve opened R8 and found that all my button images in the new toolbar inside the custom rui where gone. The macros still where there.


I think deleting a toolbar does not delete the macros associated with it - even if they are not used elsewhere. That is one of the current problems. You end up with a lot of “orphan” macros in the library that are not used by anything.

I think I have that bug logged: RH-79966 Button stays linked to default RUI

3 posts were split to a new topic: Duplicating toolbar groups