New platform and problem with beckend API


I have problem with backend access.
We use backend access on this configurator 3D configurator fora acousctic wall baffles in order to have grasshopper definition for fabrication drawings.
After clicking on button “download customized product sheet” configurator should generate jpeg image and send dwg to an email.
However, sending email doesn’t work anymore. I didn’t receive it after clicking “download customized product sheet”. Since that we didn’t change anything in the meanwhile, I suppose that it might be a problem with new platform?

I reviewed your configurator, it seems that you are using a backend ticket when making your export request from a browser. This is denied by our geometry backend, since requests from browsers must be made using tickets for embedding.
Also please note this bug that we are working on, which is related and might prevent the export from working even after changing the ticket: Old API ShapeDiver issue - #2 by snabela