Hi, I’m trying to make offsets on a bunch of curves, it comes down to having curves with a negative (inward) offset. The offsets are created correctly, however, there seems to be some kind of overflow where offsets are also created in a place where the outer offsets meet.
I am using the Clipper component Polyline offset for this one as it gave me the best results of all possible offset components I could find:
Now I know the culprit is probably the count value in series, causing the offsets to go inward and then become a positive offset from the center outward again. However, what I can’t get my head around is where the issue in the first example comes from.
I would like to learn how I can fix the issue in the first image. This first image is enclosed as a file. I have been playing with this for a long time now, but my research can only continue once I understand and am able to fix this.
Playing with the two slider inputs for Series, it’s evident that different ‘Count’ values require different ‘Step’ values to create or avoid the anomaly between the three closed planar curves being offset.
Hi Joseph, this is what I also concluded in the second to last paragraph (sorry if it was unclear). But when I work with a lot of different shapes there are sometimes also shapes that are much smaller. In these cases it happens that the smaller shaped are getting this overflow effect while the larger shapes aren’t completely filled up with offset lines yet.
Would it help if I created an example of this as well?
Basically I’m looking for a way to be able to generate outline shapes, and then use a GH script to fill up both big and small shapes without running into these issues.
This absolutely did it. I’m a bit ashamed to acknowledge, but looking back into my older sketches I did have the input grafted. Somewhere along the process I must have turned it off when experimenting with different ways of making the offset. Because this is an older project (from when I just started with GH) and I hadn’t labeled/grouped anything yet I kind of lost oversight in this case.
It goes to show how important it is to group and label different parts within a GH definition.