Hi, I have this Object, that is kind cut off due to a bad trimming operation, what would be the best and fastest way to “cap” this object or would I have to redraw it. I would like to make it a closed polysurface.
On my end in R8 cap will not work. But even if it did, Tom:
Suggests caution with using the cap command [I reviewed the command in the help file, but still am not clear as to what the exact nature / explanation of technical problem one might introduce with using the cap command is and why.]
With the Show Edges command I see:
Command: _ShowEdges
Found 114 edges total; 14 naked edges, no non-manifold edges.
I believe one could rebuild these areas and have the final result be a closed object. However, given that your tolerance is set at 0.001 inch, I suspect that you want a significant degree of precision. So perhaps best to redraw the object ?