The plugin lets you explore your scene, at a fixed eye height above mesh terrain.
It only runs on Windows.
It is simple to use and moves you around at 2.5 m/s regardless of framerates. It asks you to pick a point on the mesh surface you want to walk on and moves you to that point. It only runs in a perspective view of course.
How to use Navigate:
Look around by moving your mouse.
Move forward by holding the left mouse button down.
End Navigate by right clicking the mouse.
When you come to the edge of the mesh it will follow the edge instead of “falling off”.
Navigate takes control over the cursor and positions it at the center of the perspective view. This is released the moment the command is terminated, and Navigate automatically terminates if Rhino no longer is the active window.
Note: Navigate has a slower FPS than normal navigation due to the computations it requires to position the camera and target.
This is beta software so crashes can happen, even on the system level, so please save before use and use it on your own risk.