Naked edges/fillet srf + prepping for print

Hello :slight_smile:

I’m a beginner level rhino user and I’ve been having some issues with fillet srf creating naked edges. While I have seemingly been able to fix this issue some places with the use of cap and removing any excess, I have been struggling with these small circular indents pictured in my screenshots. I tried using a similar technique of capping these open fillets, which took me down from 8 to 4 naked edges, but also seems to have created a duplicate surface within my indents, that is both attached to my fillets and seemingly misaligned. Does anyone know how I can remedy this where I both fix the naked edges from the fillet without creating overlapping surfaces?

Also is there anything else I should be aware to check for before sending to print? Things such as seldup, naked edges, check and anything else that could possibly prove a problem when printing.

I hope I have been able to describe the problem, but I’m still learning the terminology and may have a fair few holes in my knowledge so I apologise if this is somewhat confusing. I also inlcluded the Rhino files if that helps get a better picture of whatever mess I may have made (small objects - mm)

Thanks for any help in advance :slight_smile:

Vent Connection Bottom PRINT.3dm (2.2 MB)
Vent Connection Top.3dm (3.3 MB)

In the Top file, you have an extra cylindrical surface on the Top Plate layer, under the big 2mm fillet surface. ExrtactSrf that and delete it, then the whole Top assembly joins together as one closed polysurface with no naked edges.

In the Bottom file there are two intersecting surfaces in the similar area as above. ExrtactSrf those and delete them:

Then the 2mm radius has two un-needed surfaces. ExrtactSrf those and delete them:

Finally the four corners need 0.2mm radius fillets added:

Doing all that allows the whole Bottom assembly to join together as one closed polysurface with no naked edges.