After years of loyal service at my job, my mouse pad finally reached retirement age.
Along with myself…
Yep, the (dino)’saur’ part of my ‘Helvetosaur’ handle is now truly a reality. Hard to imagine for me, I assure you I still feel a lot younger than that mousepad looks.
Anyway, as I no longer have a “day job” where I spend most of my time in front of a computer, it may affect my presence here somewhat – we’ll have to see how it goes. I am of course continuing with my reseller business plus I am also on the hook for both creating and teaching three CAD (read “Rhino”) one-week block courses over the next year for the Swiss modelmaker apprentice program. So Rhino will still be quite central to my life for some time to come.
I also have a number of other non-Rhino projects on my list, such as renovating my workshop space and getting back on the motorcycle for a few more long-distance trips. But also to get back in touch with the creative side of things, notably to pick up where I left off with my love of photography from the 70’s and 80’s and perhaps self-publish a book or two of images just for fun.
Back in the old newsgroup days, on the first of January I would publish the list of 25 top posters for the past year. In those days, 90% of the posts came from just these 25 people! Needless to say, in the little over five years since Discourse replaced the newsgroup, the Rhino world has evolved and expanded considerably - we could say exponentially! There are now far more than 25 major contributors here, maybe even 252!
So, even though I’m a few days late, I just wanted to thank everyone who contributes here for making this community the finest, friendliest and most helpful on the 'net. You people are the greatest! I still love to hang out here and will continue to contribute as often as I can!
I wish everyone a happy, healthy and prosperous 2019 !
As they say here, “à bientôt !” - see you soon!
Cheers, --Mitch