My mouse pad retired…

After years of loyal service at my job, my mouse pad finally reached retirement age.

Along with myself:sunglasses:

Yep, the (dino)’saur’ part of my ‘Helvetosaur’ handle is now truly a reality. Hard to imagine for me, I assure you I still feel a lot younger than that mousepad looks. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Anyway, as I no longer have a “day job” where I spend most of my time in front of a computer, it may affect my presence here somewhat – we’ll have to see how it goes. I am of course continuing with my reseller business plus I am also on the hook for both creating and teaching three CAD (read “Rhino”) one-week block courses over the next year for the Swiss modelmaker apprentice program. So Rhino will still be quite central to my life for some time to come.

I also have a number of other non-Rhino projects on my list, such as renovating my workshop space and getting back on the motorcycle for a few more long-distance trips. But also to get back in touch with the creative side of things, notably to pick up where I left off with my love of photography from the 70’s and 80’s and perhaps self-publish a book or two of images just for fun.

Back in the old newsgroup days, on the first of January I would publish the list of 25 top posters for the past year. In those days, 90% of the posts came from just these 25 people! Needless to say, in the little over five years since Discourse replaced the newsgroup, the Rhino world has evolved and expanded considerably - we could say exponentially! There are now far more than 25 major contributors here, maybe even 252!

So, even though I’m a few days late, I just wanted to thank everyone who contributes here for making this community the finest, friendliest and most helpful on the 'net. You people are the greatest! I still love to hang out here and will continue to contribute as often as I can!

I wish everyone a happy, healthy and prosperous 2019 !

As they say here, “à bientôt !” - see you soon!

Cheers, --Mitch


Enjoy having more control over your time. Very glad to hear you’ll still be here, at least occasionally. :smiley:

hi Mitch,

I think you should frame the mousepad, looks like a piece of art already !

All the best with your newly found freedom from sitting at the computer, at the same time hope you can still find some time to contribute here, between your motorcycle trips and art projects :slight_smile: This place never gets old and so won’t you if you stick around!



I’ve always appreciated your help on this forum! I hope that you will still be active on the forum for many years to come!

Hi Mitch.

Glad to see that you have reached your retirement !
… I’m glad and, I have to admit, a little envious too … :smile:

Anyway …
I hope you will still be here, when possible.
Your help has always been very valuable for us all here (and in the NG too).

Enjoy !

Thank you.

Mitch! Hold on! Nothing hasty here, ok? I think I have one of those, UNUSED, in my office - I’ll check on Monday - just say the word.

Needless to say… well done, and infinite thanks for your support over the years. It has certainly made my life here easier and more enjoyable.

I hope you’ll continue to swing by the Seattle office on your West Coast trips from time to time. I’ll hold the mouse pad.


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Congratulations Mitch! Hoping you are looking a little better at retirement age than that mouse pad.

Can’t wait to see what you create and hope to see you soon.

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Welcome to the club! :+1: You’re young - I retired (from my “day job”) in April last year :grinning:
I would also need a new mouse pad… How 'bout making those available again…? @bobmcneel :wink:



Hey Mitch,
Thanks! Wish you a happy New Year and a very happy New Era! If you drop by in Münsterland you are very welcome - I also have a mouse pad for you (from :wink:
See you soon - Jess

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Happy “do whatever you desire” times. You’ve helped me numerous times since I started learning Rhino. Thank you

Glad to have overlapped with you on this forum - I’ve bookmarked several of your scripts for future reference. Bon vent, as we say in Nantes and à bientôt, sans doute on the scripting threads.

Congrats! Don’t be a stranger here.

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Best wishes as you turn the page to another chapter of your life.

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Congratulations Mitch,

Thanks for all the help online. I also enjoyed meeting you a couple of times when we were almost neighbours. It looks like you have interesting plans lined up.

Best Wishes.

Tous mes vœux Mitch… Pour cette nouvelle année !!! Et merci pour ton aide précieuse !!!,:wink:

All the very best wishes for your new adventures Mitch. I’d like to say thanks for all the assistance you’ve given me over the years, but hopefully you’ll stick around here for a while so that I can abuse the privilege just a little longer… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Hello. I would like to sincerely thank you for your efforts and especially for those of which I was a beneficiary. I wish you all the very best and trust that your motorcycle adventures remain shiny side up.

Kind regards,
Hugo Wansey.

Enjoy the retirement and best wishes…You have written custom scripts for me that I will continue to use for years to come. I would love to see some photos from your upcoming travels, please post a link if you end up with a blog or such.


Pay a visit to everybody you’ve helped out on the forums! You won’t be able to ever get back home.


Congratulations and Best Wishes Mitch. Cheers!