My Feedback regarding gradient hatch

Since I was emailed this:

I’ll give you my feedback.

I do not consider this feature useful at all, for engineering at least.

There are topics far more crucial and important, like placing a hatch where the clipping plane is cutting the solid/closed brep object. Having 2d boolean operations work even with overlapping and duplicate curves. Or making Make2D more reliable for any kind of drawings or even extending the API regarding Make2D to add more features, like:

  • changing the line type.
  • allowing the user to pick which objects to be shown as hidden and which not.
  • allowing the user to replace the make2d result with symbolic representation (very common in ship design drawings)

I honestly don’t even see how gradient hatch is useful even for CGI.

Anyways, this is my feedback. Take it or leave it.

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Thanks for the feedback. Gradient hatches are probably only useful for people who do some types of illustrations.

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:rofl: that does not sound very assuring… makes me honestly think if Ivelin may have a hunch there.

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Gradient hatches and TRANSPARENT hatches has been on my personal wish list for many years, so I welcome them with open arms and can’t wait to use them for production.

First of all, I like being able to adjust gradients with colors and all in the Hatch panel, that is intuitive!

But not being able to add a color unless you add a gradient is not a good user interface. IF you are going to let a user add colors here then they need to be able to add a base color WITHOUT a gradient here too. It’s important to not scatter object settings all over the place.

Also see how the hatch with a gradient now only has a selected outline? I like that much better than showing the entire hatch as yello.

So IMO a hatch should have a fill color with a transparency setting right there. And then if GRADIENT is toggled then a second color is added, and when turned off then the left most color and transparency is kept while the others are discarded. Gradient fills are new to Rhino but have been around for ages in other apps, so I think it’s important to try to keep it as intuitive and easy to use as possible for the users.

I also see that when I select a gradient hatch then the transparency is reduced. Is that by design, or a bug?

And if I polar array 20 of these 4 hatches then I get some odd draw order artifact.

And then when I select them all this happens:

This is only 88 gradient, transparent hatches with holes in them so it should be easy to reproduce.


Sorry @Holo,

I don’t see any practical application. Incl. in your examples

Sorry Ivelin, but this thread is called “Feedback regarding gradient hatch”
and not “Why I IVELIN personally don’t think McNeel should waste time on tools that only other users use…” :smiley:

Man, I have no interest in starting a fight, I just wanted to add info to what I thought was the appropriate thread regarding development of hatches. So to enlighten you a bit:
Hatches with gradients and transparency is cruzial for any professional layout work where aestetics are involved. (And that is not very common unless you work with architecture or landscape architecture, but if you do, then it is).
Illustrator is very alive and kicking in most architectural offices because of this, and I know most architects would prefer to do the illustrations in the cad app if they could.

This is a natural and important addition to the layout development. And obviously if you don’t work with layouts then none of the tools regarding that will be of interest. (But if so then don’t feedback on them, they are not for you to waste your time on :wink: )

Cheers mate, love your passion for Rhino! It’s shared by many!


And why is it that hatch is used instead of material?

As for the illustrator, there are open-source alternatives afaik.

Good point, I changed the title to reflect the purpose of the thread.

Because of features like “draw order”, hatch fill options that are vector based and that use industry standard fill symbols and maybe most important PDF (and .AI) support.

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There are other 2D drafting programs too. It is privilege to keep everything under one roof.
I strongly support Holo here.I do everything between drafting-modeling-rendering-presentations, it is a great pleasure to do it using one tool only.

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Ok, I see.
Apparently gradient-hatch is another step transforming Rhino into a pure “ground” architecture tool. Increasing the gap of it with other industries.

The path hasn’t changed since I first brought this issue to the public.
None of the Naval Architecture functionality is evolving but more and more Rhino is dedicating resources towards “ground” architecture. I don’t like this!

Funny, how this works, since “ground” architecture is in fact transforming itself into pure art instead of being engineering discipline. I feel sorry for this industry.


It’s such a nonsense it is even hard to comment. You, clearly don’t see what is happening in architecture from where you stand (naval architect as far as I understand).

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By all means, explain.

Do you know building process? Do you follow designers, trends, buildings? Do you participate in conferences, seminars, open doors? Do you interact with structural engineers, MEP guys, contractors? Did you build anything by yourself?
There is no venom in my writing. I just don’t write thing I don’t know or ever experienced.

Not in “ground” architecture, for obvious reasons.

What does it matter anyhow?

Explain to me why the “architects of today” are mainly taken from art highschools instread of engineering/technical?

Neither is in mine. I am open. Explain it to me.

I haven’t been aware of it.
I believe that era of Da Vincis is over. It is impossible to know everything when it comes to design&build process. I think design is left for designers and engineering for engineers.

I disagree.
I thought you’ll provide some strong argument but that’s just not it.

Da Vinci didn’t have the tools we have. We should be more capable of being “know-it-all”

Life is to short for know-it-all.
Would you like to go to know-it-all doctor for medical consultation eg. heart?

Dunno, the “architects of today” we have here mostly graduate from the EPFL or the ETHZ - both the equivalents of something like MIT for Switzerland. I wouldn’t call any of those three ‘art highschools’…


You know what I mean.

Architecture now is more sketching and design, not the calculation part, that is outsourced to mechanical engineers. (these are Architects’ words)
Why is that?